Friday, October 17, 2008

The Black Conservative

Has anyone heard of a Black Conservative James T. Harris?

I am all for respecting all opinions and even agreeing to disagree.  I just don't understand why people are against Barack Obama, black or not... it doesn't make logical sense to me!

As far as Mr. Harris being called a "sell out" or "traitor", I can vibe with why people would call him this.  I need to be honest, this election is so much more than a normal Presidential election.  The outcome of November 4th will determine the rest of our lives... potentially and most definitely.  People want to complain about this election being so racially divisive and/ or racially charged... have we forgotten what country in which we live?  The USA was built upon racial division and a hierarchy was developed and had been continually maintained.  Our country is over two centuries old, and we've yet to see a President who was not an older white man.  There are countless ethnic groups that were on this land before and during the beginning of this nation, yet and still, they can't seem to make it to the white house...

All of that aside, I choose to vote for the candidate who is different.  I choose to vote for a candidate who does not remind me of George W.   Race or not, Obama is the better choice and to not be proud that one of our own has stepped into this new role is utterly unspeakable. 

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