Saturday, April 18, 2009

Seven Pounds

So... I am definitely aware of the fact that I am "late" as far as me just seeing Seven Pounds... I literally just finished watching it and I cannot get it out of my head. It was astonishingly new and extremely powerful, a film that continues to make you wonder long after the credits have finished.

I believe Will Smith has reached his prime, he continues to put out great films that demonstrate his versatility as well as his beauty. This film was beautifully crafted and it just makes you think about life and what is truly important. Lives can end today, tomorrow or the next day... the thing is, you never know. But if you did, how would you choose to spend your last days?

Better yet, how would you feel if you were the cause of others losing their lives? How would you spend your final days, would you strive for redemption, what would you be willing to do? All of these questions and many more are both explored and answering throughout this film.

I actually cried for God's sake! I just don't know what I would do or how I would be mentally if I lost the most important person/ people in my life. I don't know if I could continue living my life in a normal way, or at least in a way similar to what it was before the loss. I'd rather not think of such things; however, accidents happen - fatal accidents in which loved ones are lost everyday. What would you do?

I don't know.

But, if anything, this movie reminded me of how precious time is- especially with loved ones. Remember to tell them that you love them and don't stay mad for too long, it's not worth it.

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